Since 1967 our business philosophy has always been to work in quality, before focusing more on the product, then developed as “total quality” on the whole productive and organizational process, atained in February 1996 the certification of the quality system according to the UNI EN ISO 9001-94 regulation. In April 2018, after a continuous evolution, we obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 certification, as confirmation of its own coherence. The high quality of products shown in its own catalogues is the outcome of a process, starting from design, experimentation and developing in a meticulous choice of materials and testing procedures during the productive cycle.
We have manufactured an internal test-bed (BP5000) on which we have systematically carried out different controls and/or experimental tests on the main components of the groups or on prototypes. For particular tests, we use external laboratories such as CERMET and the laboratories of the “Applied Mechanic Institute” of the Bologna’s University.
Thanks also to the collaboration of external studies such as BUGNION, we have developed important Italian and European PATENTS.